User-agent: * Disallow: /cgi-bin # Standard folder on the hosting. Disallow: /? # All query parameters on the home page. Disallow: *?s= # Search. Disallow: *&s= # Search. Disallow: /search # Search. Disallow: /author/ # Author archive. Disallow: */embed$ # All embeds. Disallow: */xmlrpc.php # WordPress API file Disallow: *utm*= # Links with utm tags Disallow: *openstat= # Links with openstat tags Disallow: *?attachment_id= # Attachment page. It actually redirects. Disallow: /id_date # archives by date Disallow: *?filter= # search from all functions Disallow: *?post_type=func # does not redirect. Disallow: /favorite/ # Профиль избранное Disallow: *?wpfpaction # Профиль ссылки избранное Disallow: /aktivyi/ # Профиль активы Disallow: /edit/ # Профиль изменить Disallow: /users/* # Профиль пользователи Disallow: *?uid* # Профиль статьи Sitemap: